Time Management Tips

Let’s cut to the chase. Here are some useful time management strategies to start incorporating into your daily routine today to turn the “I can’t get it all done” into “I’m plowing through my to-do list like no-one’s business.”

*Keep in mind, these are pretty basic, common sense suggestions that we all know, but we all fall into the trap of NOT doing*

1. Leverage Your Time: Focus on the things that give you the biggest bang for your buck. Stop worrying about the minor things that give you little benefit.

2. Get Help: Having said that, get some help for the things you don’t need to be spending your time doing. This goes back to the idea of your personal board of directors. Have someone on that board that serves as your assistant, doing the things you DON’T NEED TO DO. Yes, there are actually things you don’t need to do that others can accomplish for you. If you don’t have this person because you are trying to conserve money, think about how much an hour of your time is worth and then calculate how much money you are losing by not charging for your time but rather being inundated with work that really someone else can handle.

3. Network Intelligently: Know where you are spending your time and with whom you are spending your time. Stop going to every event under the sun. Pick and choose wisely to conserve your precious time.

4. Clean up your Space: Ever notice when your surroundings are messy your mind is messy? Organize your space and throw out all the clutter.

5. Carve Out Complaining Time: We all complain. In fact, complaining can be a useful way to de-clutter our minds. However, sometimes we complain so much about all that we have to do, we continue to never get things done. Plan a complaining session, get it over with, and then get going. This complaining session will serve two purposes. First, it will get it off your chest. Second, it will organize your list of things to do and often will motivate you to get it done. It even can serve the purpose of inspiring new ideas because when we complain to others, we often receive feedback and different perspectives about how to accomplish what we are setting out to achieve.

6. Engage in a Brain Flush: If you are being unproductive for more than 30 minutes, step away from the project for 30-minutes and go for a walk, have a cup of tea, read a book, talk with a trusted friend or do whatever you enjoy doing that has nothing to do with work. Taking time away will give you the perspective and break you need (and deserve). However, if you have a tendency to get lost in the things you love doing or if you are not the most disciplined person, set a timer to remind you it’s time to get back to the project.

7. Turn your Blackberry Over: That beeping red light is a distraction that pulls our attention away from the tasks we need to perform. It’s okay. Your phone won’t miss you if you need to turn it over for an hour so you can accomplish something. We are way too over stimulated these days with technology, which is interfering with our ability to accomplish what we need to accomplish. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, schedule time in your day to respond to calls, emails, and texts. You don’t need to do it immediately.

Easier said than done, I know. As entrepreneurs we are all in this together. We have all tried different tricks to be more productive. These are a few of mine. Feel free to post some of your suggestions for enhancing our time management skills and increasing productivity.